Second Year.

I am resurrecting this blog not for the purpose of writing for others to read, but rather to reflect with myself (albeit in a more public way than a journal or something similar). Now that my second year of university has (almost!) come to a close, I felt the need to look back on it.

This year was a year of so many firsts. I experienced so many things that I’d never even dreamed of before, and I accomplished things that I never thought possible. At the beginning of the year, I was given the position of co-principal flute in the orchestra at UVic (much to my surprise – I thought I was going to bomb the placement audition). I played in seven different composers’ pieces, and this included my harmonica debut as well as getting quite up close and familiar with flute extended techniques. I was asked to play flute in the Greater Victoria Youth Orchestra for their last concert of the year, which included playing bass drum and crash cymbals in Leonard Bernstein’s Candide Overture. I auditioned for the performance program and made it in, and I made so many plans for next year that I don’t know how I will have any free time.

I discovered a strong love for opera and the study of music history, as well as so many TV shows – America’s Next Top Model, Scandal, The Walking Dead, Gossip Girl…. But somehow I managed to have time to maintain some sort of social life. I grew closer with my current friends and created many new, close friendships with other people. I discovered where to get free dinner every Tuesday, and that I don’t ever need to purchase bread if I attend these free dinners. I learned that cooking for yourself can be pretty challenging at times, but also that crockpots are the most amazing, useful inventions known to man.

Most importantly, I learned that it is entirely possible for me to function on my own. Up until this year, I think I had a pretty extreme fear of loneliness. I think I was under the impression that every moment I spent not talking to someone was something to be sad about – but this year has taught me that I can survive, even thrive, by myself. This is not to say that I don’t love the company of others – but I’m not afraid to get home from school and have a night completely to myself. Of everything that I accomplished this year, I am most proud of myself for this. This revelation is one that was a long time coming – but because of it I am so much happier as a person.

I want to thank every single person who was involved in my life this year (I mean it – every SINGLE person) because you all have had a profound impact on my life. This year has been better and worse than last year in so many ways – I have been hurt, I have laughed until I cried, and everything in between. If it weren’t for everything that happened this year, I wouldn’t be in the place that I am at in this very moment. So, thank you. xx


One week!!

I can’t believe I’m going home in a week. This last month has been an absolute blur – and while it’s had it’s ups and downs, the positives have for sure outweighed the negatives. I actually really like it here (except for the weather that can’t make up its mind, seriously) but I miss home so much, and I can’t wait to go back for a few days.

That being said, I still have a lot on my plate between now and then. While juggling a chamber ensemble, choir, wind symphony, individual performance and rehearsals with an accompanist as well as my regular classes, I have a lot of work to do. I’ve got a test the day I leave for Calgary and a performance this Friday (which I couldn’t be more excited for), not to mention the work my flute teacher is giving me. Who gives out essays in private lessons, seriously?

So I’m sitting here with a cup of hot chocolate, the mix for which I just bought at the grocery store today, and I just wanted to say that everything turned out okay for me. University is tough and people can suck sometimes and you end up being 17000 times more busy than you were in high school, but residence life is so fun, and sometimes people don’t suck as bad as you originally thought that they did. I would have to say, however, that the hardest part about post-secondary education is remembering to wash your dishes, take out the garbage and do your laundry. Oh and shower. Always remember to shower.

With seven days left before I head home, I just wanted to mention that it’s not actually that bad here. I love my friends, I love playing in wind symphony, and I love that amazing soup I had yesterday for dinner. Seriously, it was probably the best thing that I have ever eaten.

But I think that’s about all! So peace out folks. Don’t miss me too much, I’ll be home soon 😉


Spur of the moment ideas

There are some things I think you really have to do in university. This is not one of them.

But we did it anyway.

Earlier today, I felt this very strange urge to completely dye my hair a different colour. I was thinking black… sort of Snow White-esque, you know? After playing around with a site that puts various celebrity styles and colours of hair on your head, two of us decided it could actually be pretty fun to follow through with it. Not black, of course. But semi-permanent dark brown and dark red.

I have to say, I was super nervous for this. There was a particularly evident increase in cussing, as I seem to recall. Having been a blonde my whole life, and only ever dyed my hair lighter, this was a huge change. I keep looking in the mirror and not realizing who I’m seeing.

But anyways, after a few hours and some really hard work (not done by me, because I’m a hair dye noob), I love it and I think it looks great! Here are a few pictures from the escapade.



photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 1 (2)

photo 2 (2)

photo 3 (2)

photo 1 (1)

photo 2 (1)

And after!

photo 4 (1)

photo 3 (1)

photo 5 (1)



Thank you to all my lovely ladies who helped on this escapade. Sam and I look great 🙂

Things I like.

University is hard. The professors talk really fast and expect you to keep up while taking notes and listening and trying to comprehend all the big words they’re using. Not to mention the fact that you have to WALK everywhere. And the significant lack of Starbucks on campus just makes it that much worse.

So in an attempt to feel better about being here and keep things positive, I would like to present my list of things that I LOVE about this place.

1. The food in our cafeterias.

HOLY CRAP it’s so good. Between the three cafeterias that are a 2 minute walk away from my room, everything is somewhat healthy and delicious. There are also a lot of really good vegetarian and vegan options. This is a wrap that I had the other night, and it was amazing. Freshman 15? I don’t think so.


2. These people.

I was incredibly concerned about making friends this year, coming from a completely new province and knowing virtually no one. I’m so lucky to have found these three girls, who I live really close to and are all incredibly amazing.


3. The ocean.

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.




That’s all for now, because I really should get back to studying (that’s another thing I don’t like about university). Things are getting easier, just as classes are getting harder.

Till next time.

Settled in.

So I’m all snuggled up in bed with my blankets and TWO foam mattress pads (I know. Living luxuriousy) and I’m looking at my nice clean room and I’m very happy. Today was an extremely long process, between numerous lines and the hot weather and trying to figure out everything that I needed, and I’m really ready for SLEEP 🙂

Took my first residence shower today. It was decent.

About to try and survive my first night sleeping here. People seem to like stomping down the halls and yelling… I guess that’s all part of the experience.

But I’m off to bed. It’s 9:30 and I have no shame :]

Peace out girl scouts.


Five Days.

I have lived in Calgary for longer than I can even remember – almost my whole life – and I’ve only ever left for a couple weeks, at most.

This Thursday I am packing away as much as my plastic bins can hold and moving out west, way on the coast. Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m thrilled. Seriously, it’s the perfect climate for me (being rainy a lot of the time and not too hot) and there’s even a beach a couple minutes away from campus. However, it’s extremely scary knowing that as soon as my family leaves, I’m on my own.

Teenagers always seem to complain about how they don’t have enough independence and their parents are smothering them and they can’t wait to get out of the house, but I think we tend to take the safety, security and reliability of living at home for granted. That being said, you know that once I’m all settled there will be many skype calls a week to my mom and dad.

I can’t wait to leave and pursue my dreams. I can’t wait to decorate my little dorm room and call it my own. I can’t wait to go to the beach.

But oh man will it ever be tough.


“Home, let me come home
Home is wherever I’m with you”

-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Home
